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'Web' Version - Course Request Verification Assistant App

Pete Self     -       PeteSelf@NesterenkoSoftware.com

The Course Request Verification Assistant Application is provided no-charge to any user of other Nesterenko Software apps.
Scroll down to view video at bottom of this page...

The main reason for creating this application was to be able to generate a 'Course Request Matrix Report'.
View Sample Course Request Matrix Report
This report is very useful when analyzing course placement, especially when 'tweaking' the Master Schedule towards the end of the Timetabling process. It is very helpful when placing single-section courses.

There are a number of other reports as well. Some of these reports are helpful in determing possible errors made by students in making their course selections.

I have offered this application no-charge to any school.
The schools that have indicated that they have used it have told me that it is very useful to them. It has become an integral tool in the timetabling process.
I recommend that you use it. Presumably, by the time you get to this application, you will be comfortable with the 'flow' of these applications and it will be very easy to use.
Course Request Verification Assistant Application - generates a Course Request Matrix Report, and other reports.

(This page order - click or scroll down)
1. Introduction
2. Sample Reports (Link to another page to view reports)
3. Application Use
4. Videos (Link to another page to view videos)
Course Request Matrix

1. Introduction - Course Request Verification Assistant

The essential purpose of this applicatioin is to generate a Course Request Matrix Report. The Course Request Matrix Report is very helpful when analyzing course placement when timetabling, especially when dealing with single-section courses. The app also can generate some reports which can be helpful for finding errors made my students in making course selections.
It draws in the 'Student Course Request Verification Report' data.

2. Sample Reports - Course Request Verification Assistant

Click here to go to another page and view various Course Request Verification Assistant Sample Reports.

3. Application Use - Course Request Verification Assistant

Once Course Requests have been completed, a couple of reports within this application allow the user to spot-check student course requests to identify possible errors/omissions made by students.

Once the Timetabling process begins, the Course Request Matrix Report is very helpful when analyzing course placement when timetabling, especially when dealing withsingle-section courses.

5. Instructional Videos - Course Request Verification Assistant

Course Request Verification Assistant

Course Request Verification Assistant - 'General Use':

The main purpose of the application is to generate a Course Request Matrix Report. This report provides some much-needed information, especially towards the latter stages of Timetabling. Information helps to minimize conflicts.

Video topics include:

0:00 - Course Request Verification Assistant
0:12 - Provided No-charge to Timetable Assistant users
0:30 - Extract and then Import Course Request verification data
0:40 - Course Request Matrix Report
1:05 - Especially helpful when placing Single-Section courses
1:35 - Course Requests by Name
1:39 - Course Requests by Grade, Name
1:46 - Course Requests by Number of Requests - possibly find incomplete submissions
1:52 - If Alternates used - Alternates Report
1:46 - Course Requests by Number of Requests - possibly find incomplete submissions
1:58 - Select a course and see list of students who selected it.
2:20 - Recap of three applications: Course Request Tally and Sectioning Assistant; Timetable Assistant; Course Request Verification Assistant
2:40 - Pass on info to others.
2:45 - Fully-functional Trial version
2:52 - No other software installation required - MS Access
Sample Course Request Matrix Report

Email to receive the Course Request Verification Assistant application files

Pete Self